Coffee and vending management software

Vending management software by Vendon enables the most advanced and reliable IoT & telemetry solutions for vending and OCS businesses. Easy and remote machine management eliminates technical issues, maintains high-quality products, and makes invoicing more convenient.

Grow your business with smart coffee and vending software solutions

Vendon software for vending machines and coffee machines is the most powerful tool for your business. A telemetry solution, such as Vendon IoT, is an unmatched instrument in the operator’s arsenal to receive precise data and make smart decisions to grow business success.

Vendon coffee and vending software

Vendon provides coffee and vending software and hardware, ensuring a whole package of telemetry products and solutions for any type of vending and coffee businesses to allow remote monitoring of machines, enable a variety of tools that facilitate daily operations, and increase sales. Vendon’s software for vending machines and coffee machines is a modern and easy-to-use platform Vendon Cloud, offering extensive options – in a range from technical event alerts to timely and accurate reports, allowing effortless machine monitoring and maintenance.

Benefits of vending machine software

The operators benefit immensely from access to the Vendon Cloud as they have a full overview of their managed machines. Vendon Cloud is designed and developed to manage your business with ease and is accessible from anywhere in the world. Vendon Cloud can be used via computer or a mobile app, allowing you to manage machines from afar and on the go. Vendon’s software for vending machines and coffee machines is precise, and reliable and gives in-depth insights into machines’ technical status, upkeep, sales data, and product stock levels.

Use the Route Planning solution to monitor the real-time stock, technical, and encashment data, so you can visit your machines only when necessary with the right products and tools. Route Planning is a vending route software program that optimizes time and financial resources and facilitates daily operations for vending and coffee businesses.

Get a detailed overview of transactions, as well as the performance of location, machine and product performance. Analyze consumption patterns, best selling products, and underperforming machines through several analytics tools.

Ayez un contrôle total de toutes les informations d’encaissement et de liquidités Consultez la quantité exacte de liquidités dans vos machines en temps réel. Les rapports détaillés d’encaissement vous permet d’éviter les fraudes et les vols d’argent.

Get a wide range of data, such as real-time machine technical status, product stock levels and sales information, consumption trends, and detailed reports to help you minimize business expenses and optimize the overall performance. Eliminate technical issues remotely and avoid unnecessary field visits with vending machine software and have full control of your fleet.

Recevez des informations sur l’état de vos machines, surveillez vos données de vente, assurez la longévité de vos machines et suivez l’utilisation des ingrédients et la qualité du café grâce à différents paramètres. Assurez-vous que votre entreprise tourne à plein régime, réduisez les temps d’arrêt des machines et évitez toute perte de chiffre d’affaires.

Technical problems or other issues are often solved by simply disconnecting the machine from power and replugging it after a short while. Remote machine restart functionality allows you to restart the machine with one click in Vendon Cloud. It is an invaluable part of vending management software to quickly resolve minor technical issues and save costs on visiting machines on-site.

Coffee and vending management software is the smartest way to increase success

Coffee and vending management software empowers operators to make smart decisions for their businesses. Not only it saves financial and time resources by providing insights into machine status and sales data, but also lets maximize the ROI by selecting the right size machines for particular locations. The operators can avoid guesswork about machine sales, most consumed products and the amount of purchases by easily monitoring the data in the Vendon Cloud. Detailed reports allow making strategic decisions and adapt to consumer habits and preferences, thus saving costs and increasing revenue.

Monitoring features of Vendon vending machine software

By using Vendon’s coffee and vending machine software, operators can track how much product has been delivered to a location and compare it to the sales results of the machines on site. In Vendon Cloud, it is easy to monitor the product or ingredient stock levels online and never miss the moment when a refill is necessary. The real-time data of component consumption allows more attentive planning of future product purchases and lets avoid overstock of particular products or ingredients. Coffee and vending software programs monitor the machines and allow operators to be always alert if the level of products or ingredients is low, thus avoiding lost sales and increasing consumer satisfaction with always available products.

Vendon provides telemetry and IoT solutions for all types of vending and coffee business, allowing remote control and monitoring of their machine fleet. Vendon develops coffee and vending software and hardware, enabling access to machine technical and sales data.

The most convenient way is to contact our team directly and apply for a free demo at You can also contact any of our local distributors.

Vendon software for vending machines is compatible with all major vending machine manufacturers. In order to start providing you with our complete telemetry solution, we would need to know the name of the manufacturers‘ of your machines and which machine models are you using.

Plug and play! In our experience, it usually takes 10-15 minutes to change the settings of the vending machine to enable Vendon software for vending business, which includes connecting the cables, attaching the vBox and putting the antenna outside the vending machine. The setting-up of the vending machine account in the WEB environment usually takes 5 minutes and should be done before the physical installation of a vBox. In case when the vBox device is installed before the VM account is set in the WEB environment, the system automatically generates the VM account with IMEI No given as an account’s name.

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